
It is considered one of the oldest cities in ancient Egypt and was originally a Pharaonic city. It contains the first water dam in history in the Wadi Hof region, but it disappeared over the ages until Abdul Aziz bin Marwan came to Egypt and left Fustat, the capital - at that time - heading to the south after the epidemic spread in the city of Fustat. He liked Helwan, so he made it the capital of Egypt and created palaces and orchards there until he died there. He was transferred from there to Fustat via the Nile, and there his son, Commander of the Faithful, the Umayyad Caliph Omar bin Abdul Aziz, was born. It also has the Japanese Garden, which is one of Helwan’s largest landmarks in terms of area and construction. It also has: New Helwan Hospital - Buses Parking to Nasr City , Ramses and Tahrir, and the rest of the city’s suburbs - May 15 City - Helwan Court - Farouk Corner.